United States Citizen Fund

Faith, Family, Freedom


Economic Recovery With USCF

     When politicians can’t nationalize industry, they will take control by imposing excessive rules and regulations.   Implementing my USCF economic recovery plan in conjunction with the Currency Usage Tax will begin to resolve America’s economic problems within a few short years.   Utilizing the Currency Usage Tax to pay down the $34 trillion federal debt along with eliminating government overregulation will restore America’s free market capitalism.   CUT is a simple flat tax that removes all tax burden from workers and businesses.   CUT restores taxation to its Constitutional mandate by employing a 1% tax on the U.S. dollar daily funding flows.   The elimination of the old tax structure will occur concurrently with the implementation of the Currency Usage Tax.   With CUT generating $27 trillion each year, up to $10 trillion will go toward paying off the federal debt.   As the debt decreases and revenue increases, the $34 trillion federal debt will be paid off in less than 5 years.
     After the first few years of paying down the federal debt, our economy will stabilize and become more productive.   When we stabilize our economy, we can start fixing all the other problems our politicians created.   There is a very long list of everything that needs to be accomplished to fix all of America’s problems.   It will take time and money as the damage has been going on for 60 years.   When we work to restore America, it is important to remember that the Currency Usage Tax is a tax on economic productivity.   So, the stronger the economy, the greater the tax revenue, the more everyone earns, and the greater benefits available to all.

Minimum Wage Standard

     The USCF sets a minimum wage that businesses and corporations must comply with based on many economic factors.   The minimum wage for corporations is typically higher based on the number of employees.   Small businesses are permitted a lower minimum wage because they are more vulnerable to economic instability, and the USCF offsets wage differences with the Supplemental Income Benefit.   While the MWS is reevaluated every 2 years, any changes require balanced considerations so that businesses will not pass along increased wages to consumers, risking inflation.

Cost of Living Adjustment

     States whose cost of living is higher than the national average will be required to pay an additional Cost of Living Adjustment to employees of small businesses in their state.   COLA is also reassessed and reestablished every 2 years.

Universal Basic Income

     Martin Luther King was the first to suggest and fight for a Universal Basic Income to support the poor in America.   Conceptually, MLK was on the right track as our welfare system is broken and only serves to keep the poor in poverty.   As the world rapidly transitions to a fully automated AI workforce, America must develop a plan for Universal Basic Income so people can not only survive but maintain their quality of life.   USCF has a plan, and the Supplemental Income Benefit is a first step in the right direction.
Read about USCF Welfare Reform.
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