United States Citizen Fund

Faith, Family, Freedom


United States Citizen Fund (USCF)

     The United States Citizen Fund provides every citizen of the United States with an unprecedented opportunity to obtain benefits from a strong American economy.   An economy that is firmly grounded in free-market principles, that derives its strength from innovative businesses utilizing a dependable and resilient workforce that is governed by honorable politicians who are free of corruption.


     While it is true that every individual is responsible for their own actions, certain groups within our society have been at a disadvantage that impacts their ability to make progress in America.   Politicians have failed to reconcile inequality through legislation and actually have made the progress of many citizens worse with welfare programs.   USCF corrects these mistakes while it provides every American equal opportunity for a better quality of life and the freedom to prosper in the pursuit of their happiness.
     Every citizen has access to USCF benefit programs.   Native citizens upon birth and naturalized citizens upon completion of the naturalization process.   USCF programs have no charges or fees for children under the age of 18; however, some have conditional requirements based on each individual’s specific needs.   Every citizen is notified by their State Management System (SMS) when a USCF program is available, and SMS can help them set up and complete all processes.


     The purpose of the United States Citizen Fund is to ensure every citizen has the opportunity to achieve their American dream.   An ever-increasing number of Americans believe they have no hope of obtaining this promise, realizing the value of their income diminishes while the wealthy in America prosper.   As America rapidly transitions to a highly technical automated society, the rich get richer while there is less opportunity for the poor and middle class.   The majority of problems Americans have endured throughout our history are directly attributable to the failed economic policies, over-regulation of Capitalism, and failing entitlement programs legislated by our elected officials.
     USCF is grounded in the strength of America’s free-market economy. Utilizing free-market principles empowering Capitalism, the U.S. created the most prosperous economy humanity has ever known.   With less than 5% of the world’s population America produced 25% of the world’s economic output.   This is only possible with a free-market economy and why Socialist and Communist governments have turned to Capitalism for their economic prosperity.   Freedom is the power that enables brave entrepreneurs, and only Capitalism can provide the resources that fuels innovation.   Innovation that results in the U.S. producing more patents each year than the rest of the world combined.   USCF harnesses the strength of America’s economy for citizens while correcting legislative failures that corrupted Capitalism.


     The United States Citizen Fund has numerous goals that will fix the problems politicians created starting with:
  1. Stop the out-of-control government spending.
  2. Pay off the $34 trillion federal debt.
  3. Make government work for us, not against us.
  4. Ensure Constitutional rights will not be denied.
  5. Restore the American Dream.


     The term “Entitlement Programs” originally described programs such as Medicare, Social Security, and Unemployment Compensation.   Since workers paid into these programs, they were entitled to receive benefits from them.   Unfortunately, politicians’ wanton desire for votes and power has reframed welfare programs as entitlement programs giving recipients the impression that they were entitled to receive benefits without having to pay into the system.   This has led to uncontrolled deficit spending that politicians have no clue how to manage or resolve.   Despite what politicians may promise, no citizen is entitled to compensation without restitution.
     For these reasons, within the context of USCF, welfare programs will be used to describe existing welfare and entitlement programs and benefit programs will be used to more clearly delineate programs under USCF.   While there are many benefits available within each citizen’s individual USCF, the structure of these benefit programs are significantly different than current welfare and entitlement programs.
     A very important aspect of USCF is to help citizens realize there is always hope for their future.   This is particularly significant for our children.   Research shows that children who develop a positive outlook for their future have fewer behavioral issues, are less likely to engage in risky behavior, perform better academically, and become successful in life.
     The USCF can help our children develop this mindset regardless of socioeconomic status.   By the time our children reach the age of 18 they will have accrued more than $1 million Virtual Currency (VC) in their USCF Account.   After high school, young adults have the security of knowing that when they make the transition to college or the workforce these funds are available to help them prepare for their future.
     Additionally, parents and children will have the comfort of knowing that under USCF all children are treated equally and receive equal benefits.   A few examples are the Primary and Secondary Education Fund (PSEF) and children’s Primary Healthcare (PHC).   PHC for children is integrated into the school district where they live.   Identifying the healthcare needs of children early on plays a very important role in proactive healthcare.   School staff are in a unique position where they can help identify a child’s healthcare needs before they become problematic or chronic.   School districts are funded and staffed through PSEF where children have no premiums or copay for their primary healthcare.   PSEF provides school districts equal funding for every child throughout the U.S.

Funding USCF

     The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of a country’s economic health. In 2023, the GDP was $26.2 trillion.   Per Capita is the GDP divided by the U.S. population.   The 2023 GDP per Capita was $78,300.   Every citizen accrues Virtual Currency in their USCF based on the GDP per Capita.   The more robust the economy, the higher the GDP, the more every citizen earns in their USCF each year.   Virtual Currency can be used as government-backed collateral or converted to real dollars for many of the numerous benefit programs available to citizens.

Implementing USCF

     Implementation of the USCF as a single-source fund reduces overhead and helps eliminate bureaucracy.   Collectively, this will enable overall lower costs by decreasing the size of the government while improving efficiency.   This will be done without negatively impacting families or individuals obtaining USCF benefits that replace former welfare and entitlement programs.   As more Americans and their families transition out of poverty and into the middle class, costs will continue to decrease resulting in increased opportunities to improve the quality of their lives.   After the USCF Currency Usage Tax (CUT) program has paid off the federal debt, funds will be freed up to augment the benefits of USCF programs   Artificial Intelligent (AI) Neural Networks monitor USCF accounts to ensure efficacy while preventing Fraud, Waste, and Abuse.   USCF AI is designed to assist the Federal Monitoring Service (FMS) and State Management System (SMS) in maintaining all USCF accounts. AI can also properly identify any citizens’ needs to determine which benefit programs would best serve them.   Inputs on the citizen’s part are designed to be minimal as interactions and transactions are coordinated between the FMS, SMS, employers, banks, medical organizations, insurance companies, charities, and so on.
     Even though USCF notifies citizens when benefits are available to them, each adult citizen is required to complete a Smart Contract which is an agreement of cooperation and understanding.   In order for USCF benefits such as education, healthcare, and supplemental income to work effectively, citizens must comply with the terms of their agreement.   These smart contracts not only help a citizen understand how their benefits work for them, but they are also designed to eliminate Fraud, Waste, and Abuse.   When the conditions of the smart contract are agreed upon, virtual currency from the citizen’s USCF will be converted to real dollars and made available to them.
     USCF works in conjunction with my tax program called the Currency Usage Tax.   CUT eliminates America’s convoluted and burdensome tax structure by returning to its constitutional mandate of a uniform tax based on economic productivity.   CUT eliminates federal and state taxes replacing them all with a single flat tax.   CUT will contribute to the stability of our economy while providing sufficient revenue to pay off the federal debt.   Additionally, CUT ensures workers, businesses, and our government have a common goal.   The greater the productivity of our economy, the more revenue it creates, increasing benefits for all.
Read how my Currency Usage Tax will restore our economy and pay off the federal debt.
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