Social Security requires both workers and their employers to pay 6.2% of the workers’ wages into the Social Security Withholding Tax.
This tax is eliminated under USCF.
The Retirement Income Benefit replaces all former Social Security benefits that are paid out as Retirement Income Pay and Disability Income Pay.
Since RIP and DIP are no longer taxed under USCF it removes one of the most frustrating issues with Social Security.
Citizens who receive Social Security benefits can easily transition to DIP and RIP without any loss of their existing benefits or services.
The RIB gives you control over your investment funds.
Your RIB is not controlled by the government and no corporation can steal your funds.
As USCF works to replace all government entitlement programs, businesses will ensure a defined contribution plan is available for every employee.
Every business, no matter how large or small, will have employee and employer matching contributions of up to 5%.
Your RIB is portable between jobs and can be funded by more than one job.
The perception of low-income earners is that they can’t benefit from a retirement program.
Lower pay means low contributions and usually that money is needed elsewhere.
USCF RIP offers many advantages to overcome these issues.
Low-income employees benefit from maximizing their contribution.
Maximizing contributions equates to a 5% increase in pay from the employer and the USCF Supplemental Income Pay significantly offsets any employee contributions.
Additionally, people who earn less than the GDP per Capita will also receive matching contributions from FMS and SMS.
Even with these contributions, the overall annual cost of the RIB is significantly less than what the states and the federal government currently pays for entitlement programs.
Retirement Income Pay (RIP)
People may set their retirement date when they are financially established to do so.
There is no mandatory age for retirement and no penalty for withdrawal of funds; however, each worker’s Retirement Income Benefit and Health Care Savings Account must be sufficient to cover expenses when planning to fully retire.
The annual RIP is equal to the GDP per Capita and is 3.5 times the current annual Social Security payout.
For example, the annual RIP after CUT would be $77,517.
Retirees would receive a direct deposit of $1,490.71 into their bank account every Monday.
RIP is paid out weekly as opposed to the monthly Social Security payout.
Weekly payments help ensure a retiree’s financial stability.
Disability Income Pay (DIP)
Citizens who receive Disability Insurance from the federal Social Security system will experience no changes moving over to USCF DIP.
However, individuals not previously identified for Federal Disability Insurance must be evaluated and designated as disabled in order to receive DIP.
Children with disabilities or special needs are identified as part of their school district’s Primary Healthcare.
Adults can be identified and referred by any of their USCF Healthcare programs.
Military members are referred for DIP through the military healthcare system or the Veterans Administration.
While children are always covered 100% under USCF, adults are paid DIP as a percentage of their identified disabilities.
Read about the USCF Unemployed Support Benefit (USB).
Return to USCF Small Business Benefit (SBB).