United States Citizen Fund

Faith, Family, Freedom


Mental Healthcare Crisis

      We have created a society where 1 in 5 people say they are lonely because they have never been in a romantic relationship. Where 1 out of 4 say they have few friends outside of social media.   Our woke culture has become a landmine of confusion where we cannot even define the most simplest of biological distinctions; male and female.   As a result, 57% of teen girls and 29% of teen boys say they have perpetual feelings of sadness and hopelessness.
      Chronic feelings of sadness can lead to chronic depression, and when people lose hope, they lose their sense of purpose and value in life.   Our crisis of cultural confusion has resulted in the mass hysteria of society and is a major reason why 1 in 3 of our children have contemplated suicide.   The suicide rate in America has increased every year since 2005 after previous decades of continuous decline.   Suicide is now the second leading cause of childhood deaths after accidents.
      Children whose chronic depression goes untreated could result in permanent changes to their brain structure which may lead to Social Anxiety Disorder, bipolar disorder, or severe depression.   Prolonged untreated depression in adults leads to the early onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson and other diseases.   People who receive treatment for depression have a 90% success rate but less than half seek treatment.
      On average 20% of adults and 17% of children experienced some form of mental illness each year.   These numbers increased 5% during the 2020 pandemic which is 1 out of 4 adults and little more than 1 out of 5 children.   1 in 20 adults experience serious mental illness.   Unfortunately, about 45% of adults and 52% of children never receive any mental healthcare.   Lack of good mental healthcare is a contributing factor for the 25 million Americans who suffer from depression.
      Lack of mental healthcare contributes to 23 million Americans who use alcohol or drugs to cope with mental health issues.   In 2023, there were more than 140,000 alcohol and 156,000 drug-related deaths in America.   That was more than 380 alcohol and 425 drug-related deaths each day.   Losses due to alcohol use disorder cost $300 billion and substance use disorder exceeds $600 billion each year in the U.S.   $900 billion would be more than enough to pay for the Mental Healthcare needs of every American.
      60% of suicides in the U.S. are related to depression and this number increases to 75% when alcohol or drugs are involved.   Each year there are 1.4 million suicide attempts resulting in nearly 50,000 deaths.   Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death with men dying at a rate more than 3 times that of women. Mental health issues are manageable, and suicides are preventable if we make healthcare proactive and take our mental health seriously.
      My USCF healthcare programs are preemptive and proactive.   They provide every citizen with the most complete healthcare possible utilizing the newest innovations available.   While USCF healthcare programs are affordable and available to every citizen, our long-term goal is to mitigate chronic diseases.   Advancements in medical research and technology will help us realize these goals before the end of this decade.
Read about the Failure of America’s Education.
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