United States Citizen Fund

Faith, Family, Freedom


The Solutions
We Can Save America

      We all want the same things in life. A sense of purpose that brings meaning to our lives and value to our relationships.   The opportunity to make a better life for our families while serving others with kindness and compassion.   All Americans equal in liberty, secure in our safety knowing that all those who we pay to protect us are true and just.   Each of us respecting one another’s faith, beliefs, lifestyles, and opinions peaceably.   Free from the restrictions of an oppressive government by those that we elect to represent us.   To be granted equal opportunity to obtain the American Dream without worry about the quality of education, healthcare, or a livable wage; so that we too can reach our potential and better serve America.
      Governments have evolved out of necessity, created by their people striving to provide for their safety and liberty.   Every government throughout history has struggled to find the perfect balance for its citizenry.   Mandating too much safety brings about tyranny while too many freedoms inevitably will lead to chaos.   Unfortunately, even in this modern era, governments continue to demonstrate their inadequacies providing for its citizens, and in recent years, America too has shown how easily it can be corrupted by tyranny as its citizens have spiraled into mass hysteria.
      The most significant problem every government must overcome is preventing those in power from manipulating and controlling the citizenry.   When the wealthy want to gain power and politicians fear they will lose power, they always create narratives that divide citizens, one against another.   When their unchecked power has no accountability to a higher authority, they will persecute anyone who is perceived as a threat and bring about tyranny that will destroy society.
      Our Founding Fathers clearly understood the challenges of bringing balance to government by the failures demonstrated throughout history.   After months of contentious debate, they created a Constitutional Republic that exists to serve its citizens, not rule over them.   They enshrined in our Constitution the necessary checks and balances on the federal government to stave off tyrannical powers.   They also gave us a Bill of Rights to ensure our freedoms would be protected and unbroken.   However, as with all governments, our elected officials in collusion with their wealthy donors have ravaged those protections and freedoms.
      We can’t help ourselves by attacking each other and blaming each other for the problems that those in power created.   This only does exactly what politicians intend it to do, it takes your power and gives them control.   History demonstrates that success only comes when people work together creating equal opportunity for each other.   We can only overcome our differences by not allowing politicians to lie and fool us into believing they care about us.   They never did and never will unless we come together as citizens united.   We are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, not by the dictates of equal outcomes from a tyrannical government.   Only when we decide to take control of our lives will we have the true power that our Founding Fathers gave us through the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
      I have incorporated all my solutions to America’s problems into a program called the United States Citizen Fund (USCF).   The USCF provides every citizen with equal opportunity to pursue their aspirations and reach the happiness they deserve.   We can only balance the equality of liberty and security between citizens and government by implementing the changes that America desperately needs.   It is important to know that every USCF program is designed to eliminate government control and interference in our lives.   USCF helps ensure the protections and freedoms granted by our Constitution and Bill of Rights are bestowed to every citizen, equally.
      If you want to help solve America’s problems, please do the following.   Read through the solutions proposed on these pages and ask your family and friends to do the same.   Discuss these ideas with your family and friends.   Then, vote for the people who care about you and are committed to restoring the American Dream for every citizen.
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