The paradigm must change with respect to education reform in America.
If we want our educational institutions to be successful again, the first step is to remove politics from education.
Religion was quickly forced out of public schools in the 1960s, and we should be able to apply that same standard to political influences.
America’s outdated 389-year-old classroom environment introduced by Boston Puritans in 1635 must be restructured.
Many new technologies and methodologies have proven successful in school systems worldwide.
The USCF Education Reform Programs utilize these new advancements in education.
New learning methodologies, such as active learning environments, collaborative learning, student-centered learning, learning management systems, and simulation technologies, offer great potential for improving and streamlining America’s education system.
Research into Augmented Reality and Virtual Learning Environments is not only showing improvements in students’ academic performance but also realizing fewer behavioral issues.
AR and VLE demonstrate significant math and science success.
A consistent finding in many of the research studies is that students themselves say they enjoy the learning, feel better prepared, and are more actively engaged in the learning process.
These are a few academic changes the USCF Primary and Secondary Education program will incorporate.
More importantly, the USCF Primary and Secondary Education Fund will ensure equal opportunities for every student through the equitable distribution of funds to every school district in America.
Primary and Secondary Education Fund (PSEF)
USCF provides monies for all school districts through a Primary and Secondary Education Fund.
The PSEF provides every school district throughout the U.S. an equal minimum disbursement of $13,200 per student every school year.
That amount was the 2023 national average paid by all states per child for public education.
States with a higher annual funding requirement will be required to make up for that difference through state funding.
States with a lower annual requirement will be monitored by their State Management System to ensure they meet PSEF standards.
Any state that meets standards and has federal funds that exceed their requirements may use those additional funds as they deem necessary to improve the quality of education in their states.
SMS may recommend increasing the salaries and benefits of educators.
Post-secondary education grants for high school graduates are always a good option.
The PSEF is reevaluated and updated every two years.
School districts receive an additional $500 for each child attending music classes, secondary language classes, and social skills development.
These additional funds are available throughout primary and secondary education.
Music, secondary language, and social skills are essential skills that significantly improve a child’s brain development and function.
Research shows that music and secondary language improve learning, retention, creativity, critical thinking, and STEAM skills.
The PSEF also provides an additional $1,000 for every student enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math classes in grades 5 through 12.
Children with special education or medical needs receive the appropriate funds necessary for those children so that there is no burden on the family.
School districts also receive additional funds for children who are identified as gifted and talented.
Appropriate funds are tied directly to each student and follows them wherever they attend school.
If a student attends a private school, SMS will disburse the funds for that student to the private school.
The private school must meet all PSEF standards, including medical and mental healthcare requirements.
Parents who home-school their children receive limited PSEF since their children’s healthcare will be supported by the school district within which they live.
Healthcare for all children is integrated into school districts. Identifying the healthcare needs of children plays a very important role in proactive healthcare.
School staff are uniquely positioned to help identify a child’s healthcare needs before they become problematic or chronic.
Schools are required to ensure the appropriate level of medical staff to meet the needs of their students.
All children are covered where they have no premiums or copay for their healthcare.
School districts are fully funded by PSEF to meet these requirements.
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